Authors: Hazel Courteney and Stephen Langley
Publisher: CICO Books (2012)

While this is a recipe book in title, Healthiest
Recipes essentially takes on the role of baby-stepping bible for any sort
of health complaint. Unfortunately, the “hype” associated with many “natural”
and “holistic” nutrition circles carries into the book courtesy of Stephen
Langley, a London-based naturopath. Now, I have nothing against natural
remedies – in fact, I am a practicing holistic nutritionist myself – but many
portions of this book are impractical or expensive to the average individual. In
some cases the suggestions are even dangerous for those with the conditions the
book is intended to treat! While well meaning, trying to be a “jack of all
trades” just translates into contradiction and confusion for the readers. For example,
in the “Anti-Allergy Foods” chapter (p. 22) the opening pages suggest
tamari, miso and natto and suitable foods for a soy allergy, and even mentions tofu as being tolerable to some.
Obviously, those with a true allergy will find this “handy swap” completely
useless, as all of those items are soy based. Far more helpful would have been
tips on how to spot potential allergens in ingredient lists, such as casein for
milk-avoiders or xanthan gum for those with a corn allergy. There is no mention
of avoiding cross-contamination in the kitchen or pantry either, which can lead
to attacks in sensitive individuals. In “A
Healthy Heart” (p. 116), the authors state initially to avoid all table
salt, then mentions that it’s okay if not “in excess”. This would be fine if
they had included what a “reasonable” level was, and also included any added salts
in the blanket statement. There is also good deal of fuss made about gluten and
wheat damaging the gut and affecting nutrient absorption (p. 32) immediately following two recipes containing gluten-ridden
spelt, soba noodles (which are often made with a blend of wheat and buckwheat),
soy sauce and stock (both of which often contain wheat and/or gluten). Gluten
and wheat are too often presented as the “root of all evil”, but some notes
simply state to “eliminate wheat”, which will not help matters a great deal if
it is the gluten protein causing the issue. The statement that wheat and gluten
free pastas are better for balancing blood sugar is also misleading, as many
commercially available options are still made from processed, refined flours
which spike glucose at the same (or worse) rates. The book even admits that “many gluten-free foods are high in
cornstarch and/or syrup” (p.32), two items they denounce in earlier pages.
This is not to say every tip in Healthiest Recipes
is fraught with inaccuracy. Many nutrition and health notes in the pages are
correct and interesting to read. The most useful of these are often found in
the “Food as Medicine” sidebars (like
pineapple’s enzyme bromelian acting as digestive aid, anti-inflammatory agent,
blood cell “lubricant” and anti-tumour agent (p. 62) and why having a banana before bed gives you the tryptophan
your body needs to convert to melatonin for proper sleep (p. 249)). The “Health Tips” are
for the most part no slouches either – being a mix of trivia (people with Type
A blood suffer from more circulation-related problems and artherosclerosis (p. 121)), nutrient advice (CoQ10 acting
like an energy “spark plug” and heart support (p.260)) and lifestyle modifications (how to get your kids (and
you) moving more for a healthy heart (p.133)).
However, some of the hints border on “too technical” for the average reader to
pay attention to.
What should have been the most useful portion of is the “Larder List” (p. 16). However, this
list of “staples” is so long that even the largest pantries would have trouble
holding it all! Seven types of vinegar and six varieties of sweetener are
listed, but the recipes often call for them at random points without
explanation as to why one is better than another. No fewer than fifteen types
of fats and oils are also listed along with 15 types of grains and a multitude
of nuts and seeds. Aside from the spices, the majority of these ingredients are
expensive and not used in any quantity large enough to give them true value in
the common cash-strapped home.
The recipes in Healthiest
Recipes are in general very good, if you can abide the complexity of them.
Most readers will find some of the phrasing is confusing. I noticed that the
delicious-looking Falafel with Avocado, Tomato,
and Red Onion Salsa (p.85) “deep fries” the chickpea cakes in 3 tablespoons
of oil – which is a ridiculously tiny amount for a cooking method that denotes
that food is submerged completely in hot fat to cook. I was also amused to see
rice milk being used in a dish that also contained goat’s cheese (p. 30) and another that calls for raw
honey, then proceeds to broil it (p. 38)
– two of the many contradictory ingredient lists in Healthiest Recipes. Most
modifications are simple enough for the skilled cook to handle, and the use of
internet search engines is invaluable for ingredient substitutions (especially
in the case of sweetener and dairy substitutions). That said, the Cardamom Rice Pudding (p. 113) I made with
almond in place of rice milk was surprisingly creamy and perfectly spiced,
though I did need to add a touch of salt (an ingredient missing in most of the
book’s recipes). The Ribbon Vegetable and
Hummus Wraps (p.71) were a surprisingly simple, filling lunch that would
have only been made better with the addition of some alfalfa sprouts for colour
and bulk. My mother has bookmarked the Miso
and Seaweed Broth with Noodles (p.141) to try out, being a fan of the
Japanese broth, and the Beet and Walnut
Cake (p.242) I made for some friends (using a stevia baking blend and honey
in place of the xylitol) blend was devoured to praise.
Beet and Walnut Cake (p. 242) with Crabapple Jelly |
If you’re looking to be the
master of your own health, Hazel Courteney and Stephen Langley make a commendable effort to
help you along the way. However, I’m questioning how many readers will find the
book too confusing, preachy or impractical for their skills as cooks,
nutritionists and doctors, or who will be unable to use the book to treat their
conditions as intended due to homes with children, holidays and long commutes. Coupled
with the errors in the nutrition recommendations and an exhaustive,
hard-to-source grocery list, I’m waiting for some serious revision work to take
place before I’d title this book the 500 of the Healthiest Recipes and Health
Tips You’ll Ever Need.
Available on Amazon
Available on Amazon
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